My Hidden Passion
I stumbled or should I say, failed my way into Astrophotography (AP) through many sleepless nights of frustration and sense of inadequacy due to lack of confidence and competence. AP is extremely different when compared to photographing people- which I can convey emotions through light, color and shape. AP is more scientific where even the editing process is laden with arithmetic, and hours of processing. I consider it "data collecting" more than capturing photos.
I guess you can call this my way of delving into my introverted landscape photographer side- I've personally never cared for landscape photography as I believe it's all about location, time and a bit of luck rather than skill and creativity. I'm not discounting landscape photographers, but it's how I've always felt.
Most the images you see here are over 30+ hours of exposures stacked on top of each other in precise manner to reveal the final hidden gem of gasses, dust, and interstellar matter.
When I'm not volunteering my time with the Ogden Astronomical Society, I can be found running several imaging setups in my backyard or in the darker skies found in the intermountain west.